Friday, January 08, 2010

HerStory 360° Challenge

Beginning January 1, 2010, and continuing each day for 90 days until the end of Women's History Month, the HerStory 360° Challenge, on the HerStory Scrapbook website (, will present 90 stories of 90 women who fought for women's suffrage. The 2010 HerStory 360° Challenge commemorates the 30th anniversary of Women's History Month and the 90th Anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment, by providing internet-access to original historical sources.

During the month of February, which is Black History Month, the HerStory 360° Challenge will focus on African-American women. Because black women were often marginalized in, or left out entirely from, the history texts written by white suffragists and the mainstream media, we are fortunate that Google Books has recently digitalized The Crisis, the magazine of the NAACP, which was first published in 1910.

Please consider including the HerStory Scrapbook as a reference in your women’s history or women’s studies courses. And, let your colleagues know about the HerStory Scrapbook. The HerStory Scrapbook has been recommended by the National Women’s History Project.

via Nancy McDonald


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